A look into Carleton’s CUBE for QS/QR

G. Shuffelton from Carleton College
G. Shuffelton
J. Russel, Carleton College
J. Russell

A major highlight of Saturday’s plenary session at the June LACOL workshop was a presentation from Carleton College on their new online/hybrid bridge program called ‘Carleton Undergraduate Bridge Experience’ or CUBE. Associate Dean and Professor of English George Shuffelton opened the session with some background on the motivations for designing the new program to support incoming students with their quantitative skills and reasoning which pilots this summer. Director of Academic Technology Janet Russell has worked closely with the program’s director, Physicist Melissa Eblen-Zayas, and the Carleton IT team to guide the learning design for the first cohort of ~24 students. Janet described various elements of the program, including on-campus and online mentoring, videos and connections through social media. Workshop participants, especially those involved with the Quantitative Skills working group, applauded this excellent presentation and are excited to learn from Carleton’s initial experiences this summer. The QS group is exploring various ways the colleges might collaborate to support students with quantitative skills and reasoning as they arrive on campus and progress with their studies.

Carleton’s G. Shuffelton and J. Russell share a look at the CUBE for QS/QR.

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Hybrid/Online Bridge for Quantitative Reasoning – conversation with Yale ONEXYS

On Monday, Feb 29, members of LACOL’s Quantitative Skills working group met with Yale’s ONEXYS team for a discussion of online/hybrid approaches to supporting students with quantitative skills and reasoning.

Yale's ONEXYS hybrid bridge for Quantitative Reasoning
Yale’s ONEXYS hybrid bridge for Quantitative Reasoning

Areas of common interest include:

  • Yale’s experience with ONEXYS
  • Measuring program impact and student success
  • Online module design/content for summer bridge
  • Training of peer coaches/mentors for effective tutoring (blended and online)
  • Envisioning a virtual community/social network for students and/or coaches

Online Bridge Programs for QS/QR Preparedness
Yale ONEXYS / LACOL QS web conference

QS Logo
LACOL QS Working Group

Monday, Feb 29, 2016

Special Guests:
Jim Rolf (Yale Math Department)
Edward O’Neill (Yale Teaching and Learning Center) Read More

Working Group on Quantitative Skill

LACOL’s Quantitative Skills Group is focused on providing students with the preparation they need to engage in quantitative reasoning across the disciplines. In addition, the group is exploring ways our network may enrich opportunities for advanced study and collaborative faculty-student research.

Activities and Interests of this group include:

  • Study group for ongoing dialogue about emerging pedagogies for liberal arts teaching and learning for the quantitative disciplines; comparing campus data
  • Collecting and sharing of online and adaptive  tools and resources to support student learning
  • Experiment with online communities and peer networks to support students and peer tutors
  • Opportunities to connect faculty and students for upper level learning through online exchange

A major initiative of the QS group is the QLAB Project, an initiative to develop a set of online Q-bit modules to support students with quantitative skills and reasoning across the disciplines.

Q-bit prototypes: